Monday 3 February 2014

Water Conservation

What is water conservation?                             
Water = Life,            Conservation = Future!

Even though 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, safe drinking water is scarcely available. Globally, water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population growth. An average person requires about a gallon of drinking water per day. But he actually uses much more than that. Water is precious! But how many of us actually do their bit to save water on an everyday basis? The importance of the presence of water in our lives is probably felt the day one faces an acute shortage of water. Once the supply is restored, one conveniently forgets that we do have a role to play as far as water conservation is concerned.  Making simple changes in our daily routine can help to save a lot of water such as,
·         Repairing the dripping taps.
·         Using water efficient flushes.
·         Using waste water in flushes.
·         Turning off water while Brushing teeth, Soaping and Rinsing clothes.
·         Watering the lawns during early morning / late evening to avoid water evaporation.
·         Using Sprinkler or drip irrigation systems.
·         For Shaving use mug rather than running water.
·         Using waste water of Cloth cleaning to clean the floor.
·         Keeping overflow valve in the over head tanks so as not to waste water.
·         By Rain Harvesting.
Remember, every drop counts and every little effort you make, will help in long run.
It is easy to think that water conservation only affects other people, not you. That is wrong, because in the long run we will die if we run out of water. By saving water today and by fighting environmental causes today, we have a good chance to secure a bright future for us and for our children on this planet.
                                                                                    - Tamilarasi Mam

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